This was originally intended as an anecdotal genealogy website dedicated to putting a personality on those that have passed before, specifically those that I have heard stories about or even knew personally. But it has gradually changed to cemetery statuary, and as it was at first, featuring celebreties. For my personal links go to the end of the blog, Spencer G Corkum

There is a new day coming upon rising.

Monday, July 28, 2014

memories remembered

Some say something once existing exists forever. It has been said by some also that nothing is lost but it does change appearance. Others say if you remember someone they are kept alive.
It is often noticed that in genealogy those remembered are usually someone who was hanged amid anti-social events. This event propelled them into the forefront of memory more likely because the good are not mentioned alongside, so naturally the evil is projected larger. The good are also interesting and unique, amusing and emotional, but this will not survive unless it is remembered by someone. After the ceremonies are over and forgotten it would be good to mention the unusual after the eulogies fade into the winds of the night. If genealogy is to survive it must take this into account and encompass anecdotal memories rather than just name and date.

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