This was originally intended as an anecdotal genealogy website dedicated to putting a personality on those that have passed before, specifically those that I have heard stories about or even knew personally. But it has gradually changed to cemetery statuary, and as it was at first, featuring celebreties. For my personal links go to the end of the blog, Spencer G Corkum

There is a new day coming upon rising.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

anecdotal genealogy new emphasis

    "All things once are things forever,
    a Soul, once living, lives forever.".
    Claude Rains
  • Today we are turning the emphasis of this website to more of an anecdotal genealogic nature putting a personality on those passing before that we heard stories about and may have even known directly ourselves. These are our views from our own perspectives on a few nationally known individuals in politics, acting, and publishing as well as a host of relatives. Some of these family names are Corkum, Little, Bushen, Meisener, Davis, Dexter and others to be included as time unfolds. We want to acknowledge and speak further about those that have accomplished a massive work according to traditional genealogy procedures. We appreciate the incredible monument of genealogy published by my Aunt, Vivian Corkum, my cousin, Evelyn Shupe and others such as Sharon Goddard who has contributed a great effort to the website Find A Grave. For all this we are eternally appreciative.