This was originally intended as an anecdotal genealogy website dedicated to putting a personality on those that have passed before, specifically those that I have heard stories about or even knew personally. But it has gradually changed to cemetery statuary, and as it was at first, featuring celebreties. For my personal links go to the end of the blog, Spencer G Corkum

There is a new day coming upon rising.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time dies with us

Many people want to be remembered, want to exist, and they leave stones behind that will not attract vandals attention, just to make that statement.
Some do not want to be buried underground and they employ all kinds of above ground mausoleums to accomplish that desire. There are designs which are no larger than a single casket sitting encased in stone above the ground. All this, however, reveals an arrested spirit that resists leaving the body's cocoon behind.